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Belly Ring

This is a question that mothers dread to hear from their teens. And, with the emergence of the new age group called tweens, the age group between children and teens, the popping of this question has become very difficult to predict. Of course, it is very difficult to respond neutrally to such a worrying question. Parents are hardwired to protect their children from danger. And, with the bad reputation of body piercings, giving a negative and angry answer is understandable. But, keep in mind that your children may not respond well to such a reply. It is very possible that your reaction would ignite their rebellious streak and drive them to do this behind your back.

But, everyone is doing it…

Of course, before you daughter decides to do it behind your back, she’ll try to give it another try. And, you’re sure to hear this statement. It may not be a very sensible rebuttal, but it does hit its mark. Even though you are not trying to follow any parenting trend, it makes you wonder if you are being too hard on her. Even worse, it brings you back to the days when you were the one in her shoes and your mom was the one who was being labeled as unfair. And, you find yourself torn between giving in and fighting for your position in this matter.

Show that you care…

Give in. If you’d rather keep this an open issue and not something she will keep from you, you might as well give in and help her get what she wants. This may sound like a crazy suggestion but it can work out for the both of you. With the advances of today’s technology, you don’t need to get pierced to get a belly ring. Fake belly rings are now available in the market. And, your daughter can get one without being exposed to the dangers that you are afraid of.




Labret Piercing

Body piercing may sound like a new-age art but the truth is that we have been practicing it for centuries. Have you ever realised that even your earring hole is a form of body piercing? It is the most common form of body piercing practised. In India, women routinely pierce their nostrils too. Instances of body piercing have been found in the Bible as well as in Egyptian Mummies.

Body piercing is the piercing of a body part in order to wear jewellery in the opening created. Does that sound crazy? For millions of teenagers and even older people, it is the biggest fashion accessory. People may undergo piercing for a number of reasons. While the most popular reason is aesthetics, sometimes people may pierce for religious, cultural, or sexual reasons. Unusual piercing locations include eyebrows, tongue, lips, nipples, neck, and genital regions. While these may appeal to youngsters, the reception from parents is less than approving. If you are planning to go for it, ensure that you are aware of the risks and possible complications.


A piercing is nothing but a small wound. Go to a registered body piercer so that the procedure you opt for is aseptic, that is, free from bacterial contamination. Many states in the US have government recognized registered practitioners. Follow the directions for after-care meticulously. Very soon, you will find the punctured tissue growing back and becoming part of the closed system. An eyebrow piercing will take about four to six weeks to heal while a neck piercing can take up to twelve months. Piercing your ear lobes means a healing period of 6 to 8 weeks.

Infections or irritation can occur only if the area opens due to some reason. For example, if you catch a nose ring on a coat hook, there can be problems galore.


Quite a few body piercing enthusiasts may be allergic to piercing. A study on body art by Dr. Anne Laumann of North-western University found that women may be more allergic to body piercing. One in four women may display an allergic reaction to metal jewellery. The quality of the metal is of great importance. With a 14-karat gold stud, there is a greater chance of infection due to the amount of nickel in it. The risks may be minimised with pure 24-karat gold. Swollen and itchy, red skin are the primary signs of an allergy. Your doctor will suggest a topical steroid cream for it.



Eyebrow Piercings

Piercings are now very commonplace. You can even purchase kits that allow you to administer piercings yourself, but it's generally recommended for complicated piercings requiring skill, you're better off leaving it in the hands of a professional. The right piercing can look very alluring with the right accessory. Take, for example, eyebrow rings. They aren't expensive to buy and they add an edge to an individuals style.

Belly button rings are also popular amongst women and show no signs of going out of fashion. Eyebrow rings, on the other hand are not so common and the little hoop rings look great. “Less is more”, as Freud once said. Other piercings you may want to consider are tongue piercings, but really take care here to ensure you don't end up with any infections. Also be careful when it comes to choosing which accessory to use as some are particularly hard and can lead to all sorts of dental problems you just don't want if you can help it.

There are literally tons of different eyebrow rings available for purchase out there on the internet. Regardless of what your individual tastes are, you'll soon find an accessory that you love. The same applies for other piercings too. Other places you may want to try are high street shops selling body jewelry, but for a far wider range of choice and accessory types, you really are better off looking on the world wide web. You can also get a very competitive price buying things on the internet. In fact when it comes to buying your eyebrow rings, the net is hard to beat when it comes to availability, choice and price.




Tongue Rings

Tongue piercing was practiced by the Aztecs and Mayans of Central America as well as some ancient tribes in the American Northwest. This was done in order to draw blood from their tongues as an offering to the gods. Many priests and shamans do this in order to have an altered state of consciousness that would allow them to reach the gods.

Today, tongue piercings have become popular because of their shocking and provocative appeal to the public. Also, it is more discrete than other piercings. Because it can’t be spotted easily, it can be an advantage when you go to job interviews or when you meet the parents.

Finding Cheap Tongue Rings Online

The phrase, tongue ring, is actually a misnomer. Because putting a ring on the tongue is quite complicated, it is rarely worn there. Instead, a straight barbell, a piece of jewelry that has balloons on both ends, is commonly used. It is usually made of surgical stainless steel, titanium, 14- or 18-karat solid gold and niobium. Sometimes, it is even made of plastic. PTFE is actually a very good alternative to metals because is less destructive for the teeth and gumline.

You can find a lot of cheap tongue rings online. The prices of acrylic straight tongue barbells, for example, range from $2 to $5. The shaft is made of straight barbells are made of surgical stainless steel. And, because it comes in many colors, you have a lot of designs to choose from. The acrylic balls of these cheap tongue rings can have stripes, ripples, marble patterns as well as tiny logos and drawings that you can even request for. Better yet, you will also find studs that have different shapes like flowers and stars. You don’t have to settle for the usual circular studs. But, because of the environment in the mouth, acrylic studs cannot be used for a long time because it is prone to discoloration and cracking.



Piercing Infection

Just like any type of trauma to a part of your body, body piercing comes with a risk of infection. Infections are quite serious that can greatly affect your quality of life and your overall sense of health and well being. Infections from body piercings—or any other type of trauma to your body—can result in serious heart problems or even death if not properly attended to by a trained physician. In addition to the infection risk while the piercing hole is healing, you should also be aware of potential infections associated with needles and unhygienic surroundings.

Before you even decide to pierce any part of your body, your main concern should be finding a reputable piercing parlor. There are many serious diseases and infections associated with needles, including HIV and Hepatitis. Ensuring the piercing parlor practices excellent hygiene and cleanliness procedures before you patronize the shop will prevent you from experiencing any potentially life threatening diseases. Be sure you ask about the quality of the hygiene and cleanliness of the shop and the piercer. If the professional is unable to provide you with the correct answers or seems to be unwilling to answer your questions, you may need to avoid the piercing parlor.


Tattoo Piercing

Tattoos are more popular than ever today. There are literally millions of designs to choose from when considering a tattoo. Where is the best place to begin when you are trying to decide if you want a star on your shoulder, a butterfly on your ankle, or an angel on your arm? Try a tattoo gallery or a place with tattoo pictures. That way you can get not only ideas for tattoo designs, but you can see what types of body art are meaningful to other people. You may be surprised at how seriously people take their tattoos. With good reason, too! Tattoos will be with you for life. It's important that you consider each tattoo carefully, and look at plenty of tattoo pictures to help you decide.

A tattoo gallery can provide you with tattoo pictures to inspire you, and to help you decide what type of tattoo could work best for you. The idea behind a tattoo gallery is to give you tattoo ideas and inspire you when you are trying to decide what type of tattoo can work best for you. It can give you examples of other tattoos, so you can get a sense of what something will look like as an actual tattoo on skin.

There are many things to consider when looking at tattoo pictures. What color would work best? How big do you want your tattoo to be? Where is the best place to place your tattoo on your body? Tattoo pictures can help you see what others have done with tattoos, to give you a sense of how things might look on your body. You may also be inspired by the colors, designs, and styles of the tattoos that you see in our tattoo gallery. You could find that you are suddenly open to a lot new ideas on what makes the perfect tattoo than you were before.



Body Jewellery

Fine silver jewellery is a kind of jewellery that not everyone has a taste for. It is true that silver is not as popular or in demand as gold, but it cannot be denied that silver has its own qualities that do make it an appealing choice as jewellery. There is a coolness to silver that is a direct contrast to the warmth of gold.

Silver may not be as popular as gold, but fine silver jewellery is definitely as flexible as gold when it comes to use. You can wear silver jewellery no matter how casual or formal your outfits are. So, it would not be a bad idea to have some good silver jewellery in your jewellery collection.

How to Wear Fine Silver Jewellery

As mentioned earlier, fine silver jewellery pieces can be worn with any outfit. You can wear them at home if you want, with your ratty T-shirt and torn jeans. You can put them on as jewelry accessories when you go to work, to the pub, to the mall, perhaps the beach or a party, or to just about anywhere.

What makes silver beautiful is its coolness. The ancient Egyptians were probably the first ones to say that silver is as cool as the moon. As thus, silver looks best when worn with cool colours like gray, blue, white, black and pastels. But if you want to wear sterling jewellery with warm colours like bright yellow or red, you can certainly do so. You can pull off the look by wearing bold and chunky silver jewellery that will match the boldness of the bright colours you are wearing it with.




Before getting a tattoo or a body piercing find out what all the risks are and how to get rid of the tattoo or body piercing if you no longer want it.

A tattoo may only take a few minutes to get but it can last a lifetime. Tattoos are permanent. They are designs put on your skiing with pigments injected into the top layer of your skin with needles.

Here is how tattoos are created: A needle is connected to an apparatus with tubes which contain dye. These needles pierce the skin multiple times kind of like a sewing machine but on your skin. The needle inserts tiny drops of ink creating the tattoo. Tattoos can hurt and a large tattoo can take up to several hours to create. The tattoo may even bleed

What are the downsides of getting a tattoo?

You are piercing your skin so you may be a risk for more skin infections if you get a tattoo or piercing.

If you get a tattoo you put yourself at risk for getting blood related diseases. If the machine the tattoo artist uses you can you can get hepatitis C, hepatitis B, tetanus, tuberculosis and even HIV.

If you use red ink in your tattoos you may get a rash with bumps.

Tattoos can also lead to bacterial infections. The symptoms are redness, warmth, swelling and pus.

Again if you use red ink in your tattoo this can cause allergic reactions that can last for years.

Your tattoo will also require cleaning and maintenance. Your tattoo artist will give you instructions on how to clean and maintain your tattoo. You should apply skin care products and avoid too much exposure to the sun for your tattoo. Especially in the beginning.




Body Jewelry

For many people, just hearing about body piercing brings to mind images of that Goth guy at the mall with more steel on his face than a 25-piece cutlery set. There has always been a negative reaction to most forms of body modification, and body piercing is no different. While it is true that ear piercing has been the norm for generations, by and large the masses have never been able to wrap their minds around the idea that certain parts of the human anatomy are sporting body jewelry. Why then has there been a huge trend towards body piercing within the last decade or so?

One word: celebrities. Celebrities of all shapes and sizes have jumped on the body jewelry bandwagon. It wasn’t so long ago that body piercing was relegated to the annals of ‘bad boys’ such as punk rockers and some sports players, a la Dennis Rodman. Present day body jewelry enthusiasts, though, include not only artists who are considered a bit eccentric, but also mainstream actors and singers. Take for instance Gillian Anderson, who played the ultra-conservative Dana Scully on the popular X-files series. You wouldn’t think it from the character she played, but Ms. Anderson sports body jewelry in the form of a navel piercing.

Celebrities wield a lot of power in that they are, more often than not, looked upon as role models. If they do something, fans will do it too. So if they wholeheartedly embrace body jewelry, then so will their loyal fans. This has lead to body jewelry coming out or the closet, as it were. Nowadays, each major city has at least one ‘must see’ piercing studio and piercers are sought after for their talents. And it’s no longer the fringe crowd. You’re just as likely to see extreme body piercing on a Harvard student as on a rock groupie. Of course, with all the different types of intimate body piercing that exist today, you’re just as likely to not see anything.



Septum Piercing

Why deviated septum surgery? And a better question who’s had the surgery. Before these questions can be answered effectively, a brief introduction into what a deviated septum is needs to be examined. The nasal septum is the area of the nose that separates the nasal passages. The septum is made up of both bone and cartilage.

A deviated septum is when that bone and cartilage of the nose is no longer straight. There are a few ways that a septum may deviate, one way is at birth. This type of deviation is called congenital. Another way one can get a deviated septum is by breaking your nose in an accident or other means.

Hollywood is full of actors and actresses that have gone under the knife to fix a deviated septum. There are many that have done it for the sake of looks and there are those that have needed them because of health reasons. What ever the reason the jury Is out on whether or not it has helped or hurt their career.

Some of the most notable actresses that have gone under the knife to get their noses worked on are most recently Jennifer Anniston , and Cameron Diaz. Again whether it was necessary or whether it affected their looks the jury is still out. Either way so far it doesn’t appear that their careers have suffered as a result.



Nose Piercing

It’s finally your turn to sit in front of the piercing artist. The fifteen minutes you were seated in the reception area seemed like a long wait. You’ve nervously flicked through the magazines in the salon. But, you didn’t really read anything. Your mind was all blank. Yes! The time has come. And, although you’ve been planning to get a nose piercing for a very long time, you can’t help but feel scared and excited at the same time.

As you walked to the chair, awareness took over and you looked around the room, made sure that the artist has an Association of Professional Piercers certificate and observed the way she sanitized her hands before she approached you and asked you to sit on the chair. You even watched her tear the sealed package containing the sterilized needle. Things were going very well and you laid back to brace yourself for the pain that will follow. And, after a while, the nose piercing was done. With a satisfied smile on your face, you examined the new stud on your nose. It looked quite nice, a very tiny sparkle on your upturned nose.

Now What?

Getting a nose piercing isn’t just about fun. It involves getting a set of new responsibilities that you need to take seriously. If your new nose piercing doesn’t heal properly, it may get infected. And, you need to watch out for signs of infection. If you notice any redness, discharge, foul odors or a rash around the location where you got your nose piercing, do head to the doctor immediately. You may have an infection. And, you shouldn’t try to treat it on your own.



Cartilage Piercing

When considering what sort of piercing supplies to go for, first you need to decide on what part of your body you would like to get pierced. Some body parts only require simple kits that you can buy in normal shots. These kits normally consist of a gun that pierces and in the case of ear piercings, will include an earring that is made of steel.

These piercing supply kits include the necessary equipment for cleaning the piercing along with instructions on how to perform the piercing along with any other things that are needed to perform the procedure, providing it is relatively simple and unskilled. That is not to say you cannot source kits for more complicated piercings, but such is the nature of these that they represent a greater risk and are therefore best left to a professional piercer to perform.

A good piercer will have all the necessary professional equipment to hand in order to perform the piercing you want. Unlike in standard kits, instead of a piercing gun, the piercer will perform the procedure using a needle. It is important that the supplies/equipment used is properly sterilized along with anything you may need, including advice, for taking care of your piercing once the procedure has been completed. As with tongue piercings, a professional piercer will use an autoclave, which is an expensive piece of equipment but an essential piece of kit for sterilisation of equipment.



Lip Piercing

Lip piercing is practiced by many ancient tribes. The Dogon tribe of Mali, for example, regards the piercing of the lip as a way of commemorating the way their ancestor spirit, Noomi, gave them the power of speech. In the society of the ancient Aztecs and Mayans, a man who has a lip piercing is a member of the higher caste and he usually wears jewelry made from gold and jade. Today, a lot of people, including some celebrities, wear lip rings because of the way it allows them to express themselves.

Although it may give you the bad girl or bad boy appeal that you would like to portray, do take note that going through lip piercing is no joke. It is a decision that involves facing risks and consequences that might cause you to regret your actions later. Also, you have to remember that a lip piercing isn’t something that you can just remove after you have grown tired of it. So, if you’re still up to getting a lip piercing, here are some things you need to take note of before going through it.

Who and Where?

Ask around and pick an artist who is well-recommended. Make sure that he has a certificate from the Association of Professional Piercers (APP). This is an organization of piercing artists that make safety rules that prevent you from incurring health risks due to piercing. Also, pick a piercing salon that is clean and has artists who sanitize their hands before doing a piercing. You should also make sure that they use sterilized needles in sealed packages and not a piercing gun. Remember that piercing guns cannot be sterilized and if they use one on you, you’re bound to get an infection from your piercing.



Belly Button Piercing

Are belly button rings and belly button piercings a new thing or are they an ancient tribal custom? Well given the weird and wonderful range of body adornments I've seen among tribal people, I was surprised to learn that whilst they were definitely around, belly button piercing was not quite so common back then.

It's acknowledged that Latin American warriors wore belly button rings, as did ancient Egyptians. In these cultures it was not so much an adornment, but a symbol of achievement, or standing in the community. In Egypt, only the Pharoahs (Egyptian Gods) were allowed belly button rings, anyone else found to wear one was rewarded with a death sentence!

Having a belly button ring has really only become popular (and widely accepted) in the last number of decades (and particularly so in the last ten years).

If you think of Western women in the 1940's, do you think there was an abundance of skin being flashed around by women? (in public anyway!). Not really. It wasn't really socially acceptable. Whilst elegant and clasically dressed - self expression by women through their clothing and adornment was fairly traditional.

Even on the silver screen in Hollywood - do you think they were worried about sex scenes? Women weren't even allowed to bare their belly buttons!!


Eyebrow Piercing

With the advent of the earring dating back to 2500 B.C., according to various sources, there's no denying this body adornment has endured many trends and styles. Today, earring fashions are as varied as their history and may be may be worn by both women and men.

For such a small item, the earring has wielded a dramatic influence through the centuries and in countless cultures. Ancient Persian carvings reveal soldiers donning earrings. In Egypt, ear ornaments, such as “earplugs” became fashionable some 1,500 years ago and were worn even by King Tutankhamen. Wealthy women of the Roman Empire used earrings to denote status. And the Greeks were known for decorating their statues of revered soldiers with earrings. Sapphires, emeralds and aquamarines were used regularly to adorn the earring by the 2nd century A.D.

During the Byzantine period, however, the earring took a backburner in favor of elaborate headdresses and hairstyles. This look of the Middle Ages caused earrings to become nearly nonexistent. Then, in 16th-century Italy, a change in fashions brought about the return of the earring when high-collar dress faded out of style and women began to wear their hair up and away from the face. It took France and England another century before changes in elaborate neck costuming made way for the earring. After its popularity returned, attention to earring design lasted for two centuries. Created from gold and silver, the girandole earring featured three pear-shaped, gem-laden drops on a hook. One drawback - the weight of the earrings was known to cause elongated ear lobes.



Tongue Piercing

Tongue piercing, with its provocative and intriguing appeal, has become popular in the past few years. Unlike other piercings, it doesn’t restrict body movement because of its location. It is also very discrete and can be worn without worrying over going to job interviews and meeting the parents. Also, according to some, it adds pleasure to intimate moments. Because of this, wearers of tongue rings have a very sensual aura and are uniquely appealing to some men.

Although it is it the in thing today and many celebrities are sporting them, getting a tongue piercing involves some risks that you might need to deal with during and after the process. Going through with it is a very big decision. And, it requires a lot of preparation and research. It shouldn’t be a spur of the moment thing that you’ll regret later. Here are some tips that you should consider before getting a tongue piercing.

Avoid the Risks

Tongue piercing is relatively safer than piercings because the chances of bleeding and getting a bacteria infection are less likely. Among the areas that are usually pierced, the tongue heals the fastest. In fact, it only takes four weeks for a tongue piercing to heal as compared to other piercings which can take months and even a year to heal. But, that doesn’t mean that it is totally risk free.



Ear Piercing

Getting your nipples or genital pierced has become very popular among both men and women, while the other types of piercing like tongue, nose and eye brow or naval are still gender specific. Back thousands of years ago Body piercing jewelry was popular among tribes as a sign of wealth and prosperity; you can see a lot of references of body piercing in the bible. Although body piercing jewelry was not popular until about 20 years ago, it actually has a very long history. Look through the archives the first recorded body jewelry piercing comes from evidence in the middle east of a nose ring piercing recorded over 4,000 years ago.

The most popular piercing jewelry are earlets, labret rings, ear barbells, navel rings, and nipple rings. Today's generation, believe it or not, much like ancient society throughout history, have gone to the more extreme multiple piercing of various body parts. Body jewelry has come a very long way, look back in history many women only pierced their ears while men did not pierce anything on their bodies, today that has all changed.




Hood Piercing

Tongue piercing, with its provocative and intriguing appeal, has become popular in the past few years. Unlike other piercings, it doesn’t restrict body movement because of its location. It is also very discrete and can be worn without worrying over going to job interviews and meeting the parents. Also, according to some, it adds pleasure to intimate moments. Because of this, wearers of tongue rings have a very sensual aura and are uniquely appealing to some men.

Although it is it the in thing today and many celebrities are sporting them, getting a tongue piercing involves some risks that you might need to deal with during and after the process. Going through with it is a very big decision. And, it requires a lot of preparation and research. It shouldn’t be a spur of the moment thing that you’ll regret later. Here are some tips that you should consider before getting a tongue piercing.

Avoid the Risks

Tongue piercing is relatively safer than piercings because the chances of bleeding and getting a bacteria infection are less likely. Among the areas that are usually pierced, the tongue heals the fastest. In fact, it only takes four weeks for a tongue piercing to heal as compared to other piercings which can take months and even a year to heal. But, that doesn’t mean that it is totally risk free.

There is still a risk of excessive bleeding if a blood vessel is hit. And, this can only be avoided by getting an experienced piercing artist because a qualified piercer can avoid blood vessels. This is one of the reasons why you should do your research before you get pierced especially if it is your first time. Do ask around. After all, we wouldn’t go to a dentist that we know nothing about. We should be as protective of our tongue as we are with our teeth.



Belly Piercing

Body piercing is a fabulous way of expressing yourself and your personality in an outward fashion. Many individuals choose to pierce one or several parts of their body in order to either make a statement or add a unique aspect to their appearance. However, before you decide to pierce any part of your body, carefully consider the choice since this form of self expression is a bit more permanent than changing a hairstyle, experimenting with cosmetics, or creating your own fashion statement.

Body piercing has been used as an art form for thousands of years. Everyone from ancient cavemen to ancient cultures and civilizations has used body piercing to express a variety of thoughts. Some cultures, including the ancient Aztecs, use body piercing to commune with the gods, whereas other cultures, including those in several African tribes, use body piercings to express beauty, status, or wealth.

Men and women choose to pierce all parts of their bodies for a variety of reasons. The most popular reason given for body piercing is to add a unique feature to the individual. Many people to either want to pierce their body parts or have already pierced different parts of their body wish to break out of the norm that our society has set. Although body piercing is a more permanent way of expressing yourself, it can be done in a subtle and tasteful fashion for those individuals worried about how their personal expression will affect different aspects of their lives, including their public, private, and business lives.



Piercing Aftercare

How well a tattoo ages and how long the colors remain vibrant are most affected by the first three weeks of aftercare given a new tattoo. That statement implies what often goes unstated in the world of tattooing but what is tacitly understood by all—that tattoos do change over time. Because we know that the skin is constantly changing, we know that the appearance of a tattoo must also change. As skin stretches or shrinks, becomes injured, or simply ages, tattoos also stretch, shrink, and age. In addition, certain colors (red) are more likely to fade than others (blue) and will change more quickly. This articles describes the changes that the tattooed can expect and how they can help to mitigate unwanted changes with detailed aftercare information and also preventative measures that can be taken during the lifetime of the tattoo.


It's natural to keep looking at your new tattoo in the mirror at this point, so don't feel too narcissistic. People in the shop will no doubt be looking also. Now that the tattoo is complete, your artist will dispose of all the single-use items and remove the tattoo machine for later disassembly so that the tubes and needles can be cleaned and sterilized. The work area will have the Saran wrap removed, if it was used, and then he wiped down, just as when the whole process started.



Body Piercing Kits

Body piercing has become wildly popular as a bold fashion statement. However, there are numerous risks involved with these procedures and it is crucial that you take the proper precautions before engaging in any non-traditional piercing.

It’s one thing to have your ears pierced. Our earlobes are less sensitive to infection, and easier to clean and maintain than many other regions of the body.

But body piercing is a whole new ballgame, so to speak. To avoid severe infection, serious injury, and even Hepatitis C, it’s vital that you take this decision seriously and proceed with caution.

There have also been numerous reports of moderate to serious injury occurring during piercing procedures. Especially when jewelry is being inserted into the genitals, it only takes a slight inaccuracy to cause significant damage.

Even if the piercing procedure goes well and no infection occurs, there are still risks to consider. For instance, a 19-year-old man in the U.S. suffered a severely damaged urethra when a car accident ripped a small ring out of its resting place; the fellow’s doctor says he’ll have difficulty urinating for the rest of his life.

First of all, despite the proliferation of piercing studios all across North America, Europe, and Australia, very few service providers have actually undergone any formal training or licensing procedures. While certainly great skill can be achieved through informal practice, you are well within your rights to ask where and for how long any prospective piercing specialist learned his or her trade.



Body Piercing Pictures

If you are in a place where you are considering a body piercing guide, you are already fairly set on the idea of getting some holes poked in yourself, but before you go ahead, make sure that you keep a few things in mind. There are plenty of things to consider before you go ahead and take the plunge, so to ensure that you have as pain-free and straightforward an experience as possible, check out a few basic body piercing guide tips.

Needle vs Gun

When you are thinking about body piercing, there is a good chance that you have realized that you can get your ears pierced with a gun quite inexpensively. Before you decided to get “gunned,” keep in mind the fact that the gun in question will simply shoot a blunt earring post into your ear and that it cannot be sterilized. A needle, on the other hand, will be quite sharp and hollow, allowing you to remove a very tiny segment of flesh in a very neat fashion, with significantly less chance of infection, so your choice should be clear?

Do You Trust Your Piercer?

When you go to get a body piercing, remember that you should feel free to ask the piercer about how long he or she has been working and whether they have experience with this type of piercing, especially if it is a slightly rare one. Check out their shop and tell them what you have been thinking about body piercing and what you hope to get. You'll find that are plenty of good piercers out there, but you might need to search before you find the one that you feel comfortable with. Always trust your gut instinct; if it is telling you that a piercer or a parlor is bad news, give it a pass. Similarly, keep in mind that tipping is customary and that you should always reward a piercer who has given you good service.



Body Piercing Rings

Body piercing has been a fast-growing phenomenon in Western, developed nations since the early 90’s. Interestingly enough, this form of “neo-art” has its roots in the ancient traditions of many tribal cultures.

Body piercing has been aggressively marketed as a connection to non-western spiritual and cultural practices, though such a link does not seem to actually exist. Nonetheless, modern primitivism claims that current piercing practices correspond to ancient “rite of passage” ceremonies.

Once thought to be an extreme trend, body piercing has enjoyed massive growth in the past decade. For instance, just about any town in the U.S. with a population of over 20,000 is likely to have one or more piercing studios.

The market for piercing has become competitive and virtually flooded with new service providers. Unfortunately many vendors have not undergone any significant training before opening shop.

In addition to various infections, hepatitis C can result from improper piercing procedure, poor care of pierced area, or the use of non-sterile piercing tools. More than just a “cool new look” any non-traditional piercing of the body should be viewed as an important decision and a major responsibility.



Body Piercing Photos

Just like any type of trauma to a part of your body, body piercing comes with a risk of infection. Infections are quite serious that can greatly affect your quality of life and your overall sense of health and well being. Infections from body piercings—or any other type of trauma to your body—can result in serious heart problems or even death if not properly attended to by a trained physician. In addition to the infection risk while the piercing hole is healing, you should also be aware of potential infections associated with needles and unhygienic surroundings.

Before you even decide to pierce any part of your body, your main concern should be finding a reputable piercing parlor. There are many serious diseases and infections associated with needles, including HIV and Hepatitis. Ensuring the piercing parlor practices excellent hygiene and cleanliness procedures before you patronize the shop will prevent you from experiencing any potentially life threatening diseases. Be sure you ask about the quality of the hygiene and cleanliness of the shop and the piercer. If the professional is unable to provide you with the correct answers or seems to be unwilling to answer your questions, you may need to avoid the piercing parlor.


